1. Comment souscrire à une assurance auto ?


Whether you choose to do it online or through your current insurer or banker, drawing up an estimate is the first essential step in taking out an automobile insurance contract.


During these simulations, the insured will be able to choose the type and level of cover desired as well as the elements related to his quality of driver and the vehicle to be insured.

This information is decisive for generating pricing in line with the risk to be insured in a sincere and transparent manner, as recalled in article L 113-2 of the Insurance Code: “The insured is obliged (…) to answer the questions asked by the insurer, in particular in the risk declaration form by which the insurer asks him at the conclusion of the contract, about the circumstances which are likely to make the insurer appreciate the risks that he bears.


It is indeed with guarantees and equal risks that the quotes are comparable through the means in particular of the information sheets specifying their prices and guarantees and whose delivery to the insured is obligatory prior to the conclusion of the contract.

Good to know: the obligation to provide an information sheet allowing the insured to compare the offers is established in article L 112-2 of the Insurance Code: “Before the conclusion of the contract, the insurer gives the insured a copy of the draft contract and its annexes (…) which precisely describes the guarantees accompanied by exclusions, as well as the obligations of the insured”.

The advice of Lecomparateurassurance:

As the cost of auto insurance can vary greatly depending on the deductible , it may be worth asking each insurer for a quote including the usual deductible as well as another for total deductible redemption in order to facilitate comparison.

After verification, by the insurer, of the requested documents (vehicle registration document, information statement and driving licence), the signing of the insurance proposal leads to the formation of the contract.

The insurer then provides the insured with the insurance certificate (also called the “green butterfly”) which must be affixed to the windshield of the vehicle and which includes:

the name of the insurer,

the subscription number of the contract,

the vehicle registration number and

the dates of validity of the contract.

In addition to this certificate, an insurance certificate containing the address of the insurer and the surname, first name and address of the subscriber, must be able to be presented in the event of a roadside check.

Good to know: the insurance proposal does not bind either the insured or the insurer , as specified in article L 112-2 of the Insurance Code: “The insurance proposal does not bind the insured , nor the insurer; only the policy or the cover note establishes their reciprocal commitment”.

The advice of Lecomparateurassurance:

Unless there is a specific condition from the insurer, the withdrawal period of 14 days following signature does not apply to car insurance contracts , even in the case of remote subscription.

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